I love lower body workouts! The muscles in legs and butt body are large – trust me, even if you’re not very well-muscled, those muscles are the biggest you’ve got – and that means firing them up requires a lot of fuel… And you know what that means, right? Fat burning of course!

Plus, you’re sculpting lean, hard, shapely muscle tissue. Like everything in this programme, we’re working on much more than making our bodies look slimmer and sexier here, the type of training you’re going to do today will help you stand, walk, sit and move better in a very short period of time.

What’s more, these exercises could make the difference between you being dependent on other people to help you around in your twilight years and having full mobility and the freedom and independence that brings. Even if that’s a very long way off for you, the sooner you start getting your body strong and training good movement patterns, the better.

For most people though, the main motivation at this stage will be those changes you want to see on your body over the coming weeks and months. There’s nothing wrong with that at all.

Summer is coming and you probably want to look good on in your swimwear on the beach or in shorts or short sleeved tops around town – awesome!

I’ll show you how to start earning that right now.

Today’s tip is a reminder that none of us were born able to do these exercises or with defined muscles, those us who have achieved those things had to consistently do what it takes to earn them. It doesn’t come for free!

So lets get on and earn it.

Don’t forget to come talk to me when you’re done!

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