Workout 3 is here! Today we’re using one of my favourite ways to train – intense weighted intervals interspersed with all-out cardio.
I have found this to be a super-effective method for blasting fat and building explosive fitness. It’s also a lot of fun!
The variety of exercises means the session flies by. It also works pretty much every muscle in the body, which means you torch major calories and get serious sculpting benefits.
I am loving hearing from you on my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, it’s just amazing to know you’re out there, smashing out these sessions and that you’ll very soon be seeing and feeling the rewards.
Perhaps you’ve already experienced some benefits – haven’t you found that taking this on has made you feel a tiny bit better about yourself and your future?
It’s so important to notice and appreciate those small changes in mind and body. And to share them with others too, you never know who you might inspire!
Today’s tip is: Stop comparing yourself to others!
Comparing ourselves to others is rarely helpful in the fitness journey. We each have a unique body, different backgrounds, starting points and many other factors that will affect our progress.
The important thing is always going to be doing the best we can and if we’re making progress that can only ever be a win and is always to be celebrated!
Think about how your got measured by your parents when you were growing up. Did they stand you against a wall and make a mark to show your height, or maybe pull out a tape measure and make notes in a book?
One thing I’d happily bet on is that they didn’t get you to stand next to another child who was also growing and expect to gauge your rate of growth that way!
Our heights level out, but we never stop growing in other ways and it’s never at exactly the same rate or in exactly the same way as others. So do measure your own progress, but don’t try to do it by comparing yourself to others, simply note down those markers that show you’re a little “taller” than you were.
Let’s get to work on that right now.
Don’t forget to let me know how you’re doing afterwards. You never know who you might inspire!