Julia’s fitness tips: 10. Avoiding the Mid-January flop


Unfortunately a lot of people pick up new exercise regimes as New Year's resolutions, go hell for leather at them and end up burnt out after the first week! Don't let that be you. If you're feel like you might've [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 10. Avoiding the Mid-January flop2016-02-16T07:37:27+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 9. Sculpt six pack abs & shed fat from “trouble spots”


If you're looking for exercises to help you get rid of fat from areas like your belly, thighs or upper arms, or if you'd like to know the best moves for sculpting and defining your abs, watch this and I'll [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 9. Sculpt six pack abs & shed fat from “trouble spots”2019-12-31T09:32:53+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 8. How to not quit mid-sesh!


Ever got about 15 minutes into a workout and thought there was no way you'd keep going to the end... But then somehow you did and you were so proud of yourself when you finished? Wouldn't it be amazing if [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 8. How to not quit mid-sesh!2016-02-16T08:00:49+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 7. Does exercise make you embarrassed?


A lot of people feel overwhelmed by self-conscienceless when exercising where other people can see them. This is a big barrier for many beginners, but even more experience people can be put off trying something new when in a public [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 7. Does exercise make you embarrassed?2017-05-24T14:40:32+00:00

Julia’s fitness Tips: 6. This makes it easier…


Accountability can be a powerful motivator to help make you keep your actions in line with your goals. The simple act of telling other people what you're aiming for and how you're going to get to there can make all [...]

Julia’s fitness Tips: 6. This makes it easier…2017-05-24T14:40:32+00:00

Julia’s fitness Tips: 5. Motivation to Start Exercising


Do you sometimes find it hard to get started with your workout? Do your good intentions go to pot because you just can't seem to kick yourself into action when the time comes? Here's my advice: http://youtu.be/RwwgfFatADo Make sure [...]

Julia’s fitness Tips: 5. Motivation to Start Exercising2016-02-16T08:20:27+00:00

Julia’s fitness Tips: 2. You are not a Trash Can!


Throughout January I'll be posting a quick tip each day to help you shed fat, get fitter and enjoy a healthy and lean 2015! Today I'm urging you not to let yourself use any ideas about wasting food being bad [...]

Julia’s fitness Tips: 2. You are not a Trash Can!2017-05-24T14:40:32+00:00
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