
Q&A: Why some runners struggle to shed fat, staying sane and what to measure


Today I'm explaining why long distance running is not a great choice of exercise for fat loss. Plus tips on staying sane when you're injured and the best places on your body to measure to monitor shrinkage. Questions are from [...]

Q&A: Why some runners struggle to shed fat, staying sane and what to measure2016-02-15T04:11:56+00:00

Q&A: Breakfast, muscle gain vs fat loss, & weight lifting for running


I make a lot of videos for my private members site and I've decided to start sharing some of them here occasionally so my blog readers can benefit from the advice too. Here's one where I'm answering questions about what [...]

Q&A: Breakfast, muscle gain vs fat loss, & weight lifting for running2017-05-24T14:40:29+00:00

Is “Diet Perfectionism” Stopping You Eating Healthily?


For years I struggled with diet. I've enjoyed exercise most of my adult life, in a way, that was the easy bit. It was always the eating side that was the biggest challenge. I'd read books and articles by fitness [...]

Is “Diet Perfectionism” Stopping You Eating Healthily?2017-05-24T14:40:29+00:00

To change your body, you first need to change your mind


I remember getting ready to go out, pulling up a pair of hold-up stockings and seeing how the doughy fat on my thighs billowed out over the top. All I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and [...]

To change your body, you first need to change your mind2017-05-24T14:40:29+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 31. Become the Inspiration you Need


Here's the last installment of the daily tips I've been posting through January. I know I might seem very confident in the videos, but it hasn't been easy to keep putting myself "out there" like this every day, however if [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 31. Become the Inspiration you Need2017-05-24T14:40:29+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: Day 30. You’re going to be hungry. Deal with it.


I seem to be getting something of a rep as a "straight talking trainer". Hopefully you'll realise that I only take this approach because I want to give you the information and advice you need to get the results I [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: Day 30. You’re going to be hungry. Deal with it.2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 29. Accept that it’ll take effort


OK guys, lets face facts and finally get this job done. It's time to stop looking for ways that you can carry on eating those crappy foods and still shed fat. Time to stop thinking you'll find a solution that [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 29. Accept that it’ll take effort2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00
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