
Julia’s fitness tips: 27. Dealing with social pressure to scoff or slob


If you're switching to healthier eating habits or bringing in a new fitness regime I can virtually guarantee that'll you encounter people who will try to tempt you with foods that are not in-line with your new style of eating [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 27. Dealing with social pressure to scoff or slob2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 26. Act like you already have that body


If you had already achieved all your diet and fitness goals. If you'd put in the effort and consistency it takes to get a fantastic body, amazing levels of fitness and enjoyed rude health, would you treat your body how [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 26. Act like you already have that body2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 25. Is stress keeping you fat?


I talk a lot about mindset and emotional stuff with my clients and readers. Not just because I want to help them take control in all aspects of their lives, but because I know that once their stress levels are [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 25. Is stress keeping you fat?2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 24. What to do when you fall off the wagon


We all have blips and wobbles, it's how you react to them that makes the difference. Make sure you don’t miss any of my daily tips and get a little bit of motivation in your email inbox every day by [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 24. What to do when you fall off the wagon2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 22. One big mistake you must avoid


This might sound like a small thing, but I promise it makes a huge difference! It's not just what goes into your that can hold you back from shedding fat and improving your health and fitness, what comes out of [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 22. One big mistake you must avoid2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 21. Why I love training with dumbbells


I'm often asked what my favourite piece of exercise equipment is. I think my answer often disappoints people who are hoping I'll start raving about some new magical type of kit. But there's usually a good reason why some types [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 21. Why I love training with dumbbells2017-05-24T14:40:30+00:00

Julia’s fitness tips: 20. Do you really need that rest day?


If you don't feel like you need to rest, or if resting even when you're tired makes you feel guilty, here's some advice I hope you'll take: Make sure you don’t miss any of my daily tips and get a [...]

Julia’s fitness tips: 20. Do you really need that rest day?2017-05-24T14:40:31+00:00
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