Today I’m revealing the fantastically inspiring results of one of the men from in my 12 week fat loss programme pilot test group.
If you’ve just stumbled across this post you can read some background on my fat loss programme over on my website and you’ll find more weight loss stories, photos and advice from my pilot programme group here.
41-year-old Simon is a cricket development manager and coach with a county team. Being sporty, Simon has led a generally active life, but since putting regular training aside to finish his Masters degree four years ago, he had lost motivation and got into some bad eating habits.
At the start of the programme Simon told me he’d had enough of looking and feeling out shape. He had very low energy levels, didn’t feel healthy, and did not like what he saw in the mirror. At that point the only regular exercise he was doing was a daily walk with his dog and he was practically living on sandwiches and fast food. 12 weeks of eating wholesome, unprocessed foods and five to six days per week of exercise meant big changes for Simon.
Throughout the programme I kept reminding the participants, “this stuff is not easy, but it is worth it” and Simon certainly doesn’t regret a minute of it.
Simon says:
“After not exercising for four years I was bit worried about starting the programme, but I knew had to make changes so I just went for it. The workouts were hard, but Julia was very encouraging and really made the exercises come to life with easy-to-follow videos. Even though I was training on my own at home I knew what to do and always felt supported. I was surprised and pleased at how soon the changes started to happen. My body adapted to the exercises quickly and I didn’t feel hungry following the eating guidelines – actually I had to make an effort to ensure I ate enough to fuel my training!”
The Before and After photos below show the phenomenal difference 12 weeks on the programme made to the way Simon’s body looks. His weight dropped by an incredible 2st 3lb from 13st 7lb to 11st 4lb and he lost a very impressive 17cms from around his waist – bye-bye unhealthy belly fat!
“I was amazed at the change in my body in such a short period of time,” says Simon.
“I have rediscovered my love of exercise and I feel much more confident about how I look. On a recent trip to Florida I even took my shirt off on the beach for the first time in 10 years!”
Simon’s advice to anyone starting a new fitness plan is to train hard and stick to it as closely as possible, but not to worry if you miss the odd workout.
“12 weeks isn’t a long time and you need to make sure you push yourself as hard as you can during each session, however if you miss a session for any reason don’t get too down on yourself and definitely don’t use it as an excuse to have another day off. You need to have rest days and you will have off-days, that’s life. It happens to everyone, you just need to get over it, move on and pick your training up again where you left off.”
Simon recommends anyone who is interested in giving the programme a go should dive right in just like he did.
“£30 per week for this is an awesome bargain and the benefits will last long after the 12 weeks have flown by. I learned so much during the programme and totally changed my thinking around exercise, there’s no way I’m going back to being a couch potato again now!”
Full details on the programme will be available publicly when the book is published in January 2014. If you’re keen to experience it now, with individual support from me, I’ll be taking on a small group of fat loss fitness clients during January 2013 for online coaching similar to the pilot programme. Visit my website for details. The new programme starts on Monday 14th January and places are very limited.