It’s all about getting the book finished in my world right now. But I really miss blogging, so I’m squeezing in an update. This one is a bit of a cheat really because it’s adapted from an email I sent out to my fat loss fitness programme members a couple of weeks ago. They said they found it really inspiring, so I’m sharing it here in the hope that it’ll help you take a step closer to your fitness goals too…
Yesterday marked the first day of Spring, which means summer is on the way and we won’t be hiding under big coats and sweaters for much longer. So, If one of you’re planning on getting into shape for Summer, it’s time to stop thinking about it and get to work on sculpting the body you want.
Everyone would like a great body (I don’t care what they say!) but it takes daily action to make changes a reality and that’s what a lot of people forget.
Some people set goals and then just sit around fantasising about how great it will be once they’ve achieved them. That does not get the job done. I want you to get excited about the changes you’re going to make to your body, but I also want you to be in no doubt that if you do not train hard and often and support your training with good, clean nutrition, you will not get the results you want.
You are not going to get the body you want by wishing for it really hard, or imagining it in vivid detail, or by looking forward to how wonderful life is going to be once you’ve got it. The only way you can make it a reality is by consistently following your training programme and eating the right diet – on days when you feel like doing it and on days when you don’t.
Don’t ever let looking forward to how good you’re going to look when you reach goal distract you from that fact.
Remember this: Every food choice and exercise decision you make, every day is going to have an impact on the condition your body will be in by summer.
Take action, make good choices and you will make it happen. You won’t always get it right every time, no one does, but if you really believe in the heart of your being that quitting is not an option, you will, without a doubt, succeed.
I have lots more news and info I want to share with you and I’m looking at some really exciting projects that will allow me to help lots more people get into amazing shape. I have just a bit more work to do on my book and then I’m going to be all about online!
If my words have given you boost or you have anything to add I’d love it if you left a comment and it would be brilliant if you’d be kind enough to hit one of the share buttons.