It’s high time I posted something about what’s been going with my book, The Fat Burn Revolution, since launch on 2nd January.

Of course, I always believed in the book and I thought it would chime with a lot of people. I knew the exercise programme was very effective because my online clients achieved such amazing results   achieved such amazing fat loss. But I never once expected the absolute craziness that erupted when The Fat The Fat Burn Revolution hit the shelves… Here are few headlines on the sensation so far:amazonchart

  • In the first week after launch The Fat Burn Revolution was among the top ten bestsellers in ALL books on, reaching as high as #3 at one point.
  • For a couple of weeks (I think) it was the no.1 and no.2 Bestseller in Amazon’s Fitness category (Paper and kindle versions)
  • The book sold out on Amazon and pretty much everywhere else within the first couple of days and Bloomsbury had to print more copies

As you can imagine, all this has attracted a fair amount of media interest. The Daily Mirror, The Times, Health and Fitness magazine, The Daily Mail and Magic FM are just few of outlets who have covered the book.

It may not seem as impressive as some of the other coverage to other people, but going into BBC Radio Stoke, where I began my journalism career, to be interviewed about The Fat Burn Revolution last week was a big highlight for me. (I’ll try to get hold of the audio and post it on here.) It was super-cool to go back as a guest.

So, now there are thousands of people out there, all around the UK and beyond, doing the 12 week fitness outlined in the book. How mind-blowing is that?

The next big event will be the US launch of the book in March. If that goes well, who knows how bonkers my world will get…

All this is wonderful, of course, but kind of nerve wracking too. I’m so glad to have such a supportive bunch of friends, readers and social media buddies to help me stay grounded. I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all of you. You probably have no idea how much you’ve helped me, both with getting the book finished and published and getting through these crazy last few weeks with my sanity (just about) intact.

If you’ve arrived here because you’re interested in getting the book, please do come and join ‘The Revolution’! My email inbox is a bit manic right now, but you can post any questions you have on the Facebook group. I have a team of people who completed the The Fat Burn Revolution programme under my personal coaching in there to offer advice and I pop in every day myself, so you definitely won’t be left hanging and you’ll probably get lots of encouragement too.

The TFBR Facebook group now has over 350 members and that number is rising every day. Please feel free to join whether you’re following the book or just want to read what people who are following the plan are saying about it.

The Amazon reviews are a good place to look if you’d like to know my readers think too.

Also several bloggers have reviewed the book, I think this is all of them so far*:
*Please tell me if you know of any I’ve missed

Thank you so much to everyone who has reviewed the book anywhere, it means such a lot to me.

And thanks to you, if only just for reading this post. I massively appreciate your interest in me and what I do – it boosts my confidence and that helps me to help more people achieve their fitness goals.

I hope you have a fantastic day. 🙂


If you’re a journalist and would like to see the latest TFBR press release, here you go.