I remember getting ready to go out, pulling up a pair of hold-up stockings and seeing how the doughy fat on my thighs billowed out over the top. All I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and hide. It was all I could think about all night. I had a horrible evening… But the next day, I still went out for tea and cake with my friend, even though every sweet mouthful made me feel more down and out of control. I didn’t know how not to.

I remember joining in with a group of women to bitch about the woman who would always leap around at the front of the step class, because she was such an arrogant show-off… Really, she was just someone who probably didn’t give a crap what the people behind her thought of her. But at the time, I didn’t know how to take inspiration from people who had achieved something I wanted, I only knew how to be jealous of them. It held me back for a long time.

I remember trying diet after diet hoping to clean up my eating habits and getting frustrated because I just couldn’t find something I could keep to in the long term… I didn’t know that this is the problem with looking outside of yourself for a plan that will “stick”.

I’ve learned a lot since those days and I’d like to share it to help other people.

I hope to draw on memories like these and shareasimage(2)many more besides, plus what I’ve learned from the 100’s of people I’ve helped via my online coaching and The Fat Burn Revolution, in my next book. I want to give you the tools to finally follow through on making the changes that will allow you to finally shed that excess fat, get into great physical condition and enjoy all the many life-enhancing benefits that come with that – increased confidence, a more positive attitude, higher energy levels, to name just a few. Just think how many areas of your life and of all the people around you who are going to benefit from that…

But you already know all the reasons you need to get there, don’t you? You probably have a pretty good idea of what you need to do to get there too. It’s getting it done that’s the hard part, right?

If you’re familiar with my work, you’ll know that I talk a lot about mind-set and motivation – because I know it’s the key to getting results. The feedback I get from readers of The Fat Burn Revolution is that the first few chapters, where I talk about my story and give advice on getting and staying motivated, have been really important in helping people see the 12 week fitness programme through.

So for my next book I’d like to dig deeper into that. Whatever healthy diet or exercise regime you want to follow, I want to help you consistently take the right actions and get your daily choices in-line with your goals so you can get out of the horrid cycle of being on and off “the wagon”, get out of that motivational rut, stop letting other people “sabotage” your progress and gear your mind up to just keep doing what it takes. Not only that, but I want to show you how to enjoy it and feel great about it too.

My last book was a best seller and I worked with one of the top British publishing houses on it. But this time I want to go it alone. I know this will seem a strange course to some, having a big publisher’s name on a book cover does add gravitas, but for the straight-talking advice I want to give in this book I think I’ll do best if I produce it independently. I also want make readers a part of the book right from the conception phase. Another important facet of the success of The Fat Burn Revolution has been the online community around the book. I’d like to make that even more integral to this next one, so that’s why I’m hoping to fund the project via Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is a crowd-funding platform and my aim in using it is to, first of all, find out if there are enough people interested in reading this book to make it worth my while investing many months of work into creating it. Secondly, if it is successful I will have the funds to produce it independently and speak freely to you through the pages.

Some of the advice will seem like common sense, some of it might feel like a slap in the face, a lot will be me reminding you of things you already know, and something in there might just give you that light-bulb moment that changes the way you live you life.

It’s hard to get the kind of advice that I talk about out sometimes, because a lot of it isn’t what people want to hear and some will go to other trainers instead who will say what they do want to hear. That’s why not too many high profile trainers will tackle this stuff and I guess why a book like this doesn’t already exist.

All the same, I think it’s important for someone to say it and since I don’t have TV producers, agents, celebrity backers or their managers telling me what I can and can’t say, maybe that needs to be me!

Traditional publishers prefer to play it safe and the feedback I’ve got from them is that they’d prefer me to write a diet plan or another fitness plan. But I think, before I do that, this is a more important book for me to write.

If you agree, please take a look at my Kickstarter page, where you can secure your copy of the book at reduced price, help make the project happen and join my backer crew to be involved with the creation of this book from the beginning.

I’d also really appreciate it if you could share the link to this post and help me reach people who wouldn’t normally swing by this blog.


Thanks 🙂