Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to be posting a series of Q&A interviews with people who have completed the Fat Burn Revolution online programme. So whether you’ve bought the book and are looking for tips and an idea of what to expect, thinking of signing up for the next 12 week round of the online coaching programme, or just looking for tips and inspiration from real people who have shed fat and got into amazing shape, stay tuned for some incredible fitspiration.
Note: Applications for the next round of the online programme are closing soon so get in touch ASAP if you’re interested. Start date is 20th January 2014. Details here.
Today’s profiled progger is Kim. It’s hard to believe but the hot bikini-body in the photo below actually belongs to a 53 year old. Here’s how she lost nearly a stone and sculpted this fantastic figure.
Kim joined the online programme in May 2013. Previously she’d always used regular running to stay good shape and was lucky enough to be what she describes as “naturally slim”, but when an injury prevented her from running she found the pounds piled on.
What was your situation when you started the programme?
I’d been unable to run due to injury and was getting flabby. I wanted to do something structured that I was going to be accountable for so that I would stick to it and hopefully see some results.
What other strategies had you tried before starting the programme and why didn’t they work out for you on a long term basis?
I’d never really had to try too hard before as I’ve always been naturally slim, but the pounds had started to creep on and I was getting a sort of middle-aged look about me. Running had helped me to stay slim, but you have to run a long way to burn off relatively few calories.
How did you feel in the first stages of the programme?
The exercise over the first few weeks was tough, but interesting as I could actually measure my progress by how much heavier my weights were getting. I was surprised by how much protein we could eat, and for me it made the ‘diet’ side of things much more bearable.
How long did it take until you started to see results?
Results were gradual. I didn’t really see any great change in my shape until the last phase of the programme, but I could tell that I was getting stronger by the weights I was lifting.
I’m slimmer and slinkier! The hated Muffin-top has gone and my shape is much younger again. I do feel stronger. Previously of something heavy needed lifting I’d just leave it for my husband, now I remind myself that actually I can probably do it myself. Also, since I have more energy, I seem to pack more into my time.
Have other people noticed the changes? What have been their reactions?
Absolutely. My sister-in-law and her mother were absolutely astonished when they saw me last week. Her Mum says I look about 35!!!
How has your attitude to eating/food and your approach to exercise changed?
I’ve totally cut out “white” carbs, pasta, bread/wheat, rice etc. (I have a drawer full of pasta that I don’t know what to do with)
Is there anything you’ve done or are planning to do now which you wouldn’t have done before the programme?
We did The Major, an assault course 10k which was brilliant and I would never have gone for something like that before. I have an important event to go to in march for which I have already bought a long extremely clingy slinky sequinned dress, and so I have to maintain this regime so that it still fits.
(You can read my post about The Major here)
What is your favourite TFBR-friendly meal?
Sweet Potato/ mince with vegetables and gravy/ using lentils instead of rice with a curry.
How has the programme helped you deal with eating out, family get-togethers and/or holidays?
I haven’t really had a problem with these things as there’s always something on a menu that is prog friendly, even if it means just saying no to whatever potatos are supposed to accompany it.
Do you use any supplements?
An over 50’s multivitamin, starflower oil
What is the most important thing you have learned or gained by following the programme?
Cutting carbs really does work. Doing short but tough workouts is actually more effective than hours of easier workouts.
What’s your top tip for people who are in a similar position to where you were before you started the programme?
It’s 12 weeks, that’s all. Just give it a go.
Where to now?:
Buy The Fat Burn Revolution from Amazon here.
Info about the online coaching programme here.
More photos and quotes from TFBR online proggers here.