I talk a lot about mindset and emotional stuff with my clients and readers. Not just because I want to help them take control in all aspects of their lives, but because I know that once their stress levels are under control their fitness, health and/or fat loss results will dramatically increase.

On a physical level, the body responds to stress by wanting to store more fat and cling tightly to the fat stores it already has. This could be partly why our emotional response to stress can often be to want to reach for fattening foods – the mind and body work more closely than we are usually aware.

What’s really nasty is that knowing we’re making ourselves fatter can make us even more stressed, leading to a horrible snowball effect.

So, how do we break ourselves out of this viscous cycle? Here’s my advice:

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I don’t take comments on this blog anymore, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Here’s where you’ll find me on social media:

This is me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_B
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliabuckleyfitness.com
Pinterest: http://www.www.pinterest.com/juliabfit/julia-s-fitness-blog/

My book, The Fat Burn Revolution, is now available worldwide published by Bloomsbury.

And here’s some info on how you can join my website and take part in my new fitness programme, Challenge XXX: https://juliabuckleyfitness.com