Will power is over rated.
Habit beats will power hands down every time. Do you need to exercise much will power to brush your teeth in the morning? Chances are you just do it as if on auto-pilot without even thinking about it. That’s the power of habit.
Each time you start talking yourself out of a workout and wobbling on your diet goals, think of making that good choice and following through on your plans as putting money into your “habit bank”. Getting it done this time will make doing the same tomorrow that little bit easier. Keep repeating that and some day down the line it’ll take barely any effort or self-control at all to make those healthy choices. And think what your body will be like then.
I don’t take comments on this blog anymore, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Here’s where you’ll find me on social media:
This is me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_B
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliabuckleyfitness.com
Pinterest: http://www.www.pinterest.com/juliabfit/julia-s-fitness-blog/
My book, The Fat Burn Revolution, is now available worldwide published by Bloomsbury.
And here’s some info on how you can join my website and take part in my new fitness programme, Challenge XXX: https://juliabuckleyfitness.com