I seem to be getting something of a rep as a “straight talking trainer”. Hopefully you’ll realise that I only take this approach because I want to give you the information and advice you need to get the results I know you desperately want.

There’s so much sugar-coated crappy and conflicting advice around fitness and fat loss – I’m just here to help you finally cut through the flannel and get on with finally doing what works.

Today, I’m talking about hunger. I’m sorry, I know a lot of people won’t want to hear this (which is why most people in the diet industry won’t admit it) but if you want to shed fat from your body, chances are you going to need to experience hunger. Here’s how to deal with it:

Make sure you don’t miss any of my daily tips and get a little bit of motivation in your email inbox every day by typing your email address here: http://eepurl.com/barZ_P

I don’t take comments on this blog anymore, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Here’s where you’ll find me on social media:

This is me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_B
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliabuckleyfitness.com
Pinterest: http://www.www.pinterest.com/juliabfit/julia-s-fitness-blog/

My book, The Fat Burn Revolution, is now available worldwide published by Bloomsbury.

And here’s some info on how you can join my website and take part in my new fitness programme, Challenge XXX: https://juliabuckleyfitness.com