Accountability can be a powerful motivator to help make you keep your actions in line with your goals. The simple act of telling other people what you’re aiming for and how you’re going to get to there can make all the difference in the world.

Whether the people you tell cheer you on or doubt your ability to succeed, knowing you’ve made a public pledge can be huge leverage to spur you on to repeated make those choices that take you ever closer to achieving what you said you’d do. Here’s my advice on how to do it:

If you’d like to get the support of a super-friendly, highly-knowledgeable and totally non-judgmental community and take part in my new workout programme, Challenge XXX, with a different workout video every day for 30 days, come join my website! Details here:

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Make sure you don’t miss any of my daily tips through the rest of January and get a little bit of motivation in your email inbox every day by typing your email address here: