Ever got about 15 minutes into a workout and thought there was no way you’d keep going to the end… But then somehow you did and you were so proud of yourself when you finished?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could bottle that feeling to take a sip of every time those thoughts of quitting popped up in the early part of your workout?
In a way you can. Simply realising that the first 20 minutes are in many ways the hardest part of a workout, but also the most beneficial can be be like taking a sip from that bottle of “finish-aid”. As will remembering those times when you pushed through and how good it felt at the end.
The more times you keep going to the end despite those urges to quit, the more confidence you’ll get and the easier it’ll get to push through and get it finished. So stick with it!
Here’s some more advice from me on this:
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Here’s where you can join my website and take part in my new fitness programme, Challenge XXX: https://juliabuckleyfitness.com
My book, The Fat Burn Revolution, is available worldwide from Amazon and most other book sellers.