When I first created what is now the ‘Rebel Creed’, it was a simple list of mantras and slogans I wanted to print out and pin up somewhere to help keep me focused on who I am and what fitness means to me.
What emerged was so powerful I couldn’t contain the urge to share it.
There’s a lot packed into this image, but you can click on it to see a larger version on my blog.
If it chimes with you perhaps you should have a printed copy pinned somewhere you’ll see it often?
Feel free to copy and save the image (and post it anywhere online if you’d like to) but I highly recommend you print a hard copy too.
There’s something about having a tangible printed copy of something that makes it more real, don’t you think?
If you’d like to get it as a poster on high quality 220gsm matt photo paper those are now available in my Rebellion Merch shop too, with 10% off until the August. Get em HERE.
Powerful stuff, eh? If you agree that this is worth sharing with others, scroll up for Twitter and Facebook share buttons or if you’d rather right-click, save and post it yourself, go for it!
But don’t forget to print it for yourself too.
…Oh yes, before I close – I’m getting a ton of interest in the next round of my Rebellion fitness program, which is amazing! I’m staying focused on helping the Rebels squeeze the absolute most possible benefit out of this current round for now. We all know how much the ‘Automatic Excuse Generator’ in our heads would love to say “don’t bother now, you can start again in a few weeks, it’ll be easier then” or “you haven’t done it perfectly so you might as bin it and start again in the next round” – both of which are the total opposite of the ethos of Rebellion!
So I’m not going to announce the date yet, but for those who are keen to join the ride, yes it will be happening. Sometime in the Autumn. Date TBC. Plus I’ll be throwing in a few extra goodies. But more on that later (add your email address to my news list to get an alert)…
For now, remember, the future you is shaped by what you do today, NOT what you plan to do tomorrow.