Attention women over 30!
I’m 39 year-old female fitness trainer in the best shape of my life and I’m here to tell you that you could get leaner, fitter and stronger in just weeks from today without starving yourself, doing hours of repetitive, joint hammering cardio, or wasting money on rip-off supplements.
I am sick and tired of the fads and downright lies the fitness industry peddles to women and it is my mission to help you open see how a few simple changes to the way you exercise put you on course for getting into the shape of your life.
You CAN become the best possible version of YOU
I’m not one of those trainers who says, “do what I do and you’ll look exactly like me”, instead I want you to focus on being the best possible version of YOU.
I also want you to know that, whatever your starting point, it is 100% possible for you to get fitter, stronger and leaner – and probably to get in better shape than you think is possible right now.
It makes me so sad to think how many women write off their bodies after turning 30. But I’m super-proud to see, for those I have been able to reach, how doing what it takes to sculpt a strong athletic body has benefits which ripple out into all areas of their lives.
The confidence their physical fitness, strength and vibrant health brings has such an impact on everyone around them, helps them to excel in their careers and generally makes them feel like they’re really LIVING.
Stop telling yourself you can’t!
It really gets me down when I hear women saying it’s too late to change anything about their fitness levels or body shape.
Most wouldn’t even want to get very muscular or skinny. They’d just like to be in good shape, have high energy levels, firm their body up a bit and to feel confident in a bikini again.
Ladies, this is by no means too much to hope for!
I’m known for being straight-talking and I’ll tell you right now you need to put consistent effort in to achieve it, but results like these are very achievable.
But maybe you feel like you’ve already been doing everything right and you’re just not seeing any progress. I’ve been there for sure…
I used to run for hours nearly every day and tried to eat the right foods, but even though I was in pretty good shape, that last stubborn layer of fat would not shift and those sculpted muscles I wanted to see refused to appear.
It was so defeating and frustrating.
It seems so unfair, especially when other people are achieving the changes you’d like to see on your body or achieving the fitness gains you want. Even worse if you feel like you’ve been doing all you can to make it happen.
You start to wonder if you’ll ever get the fat off and it can put a real downer on your self-confidence.
But you can get out of that cycle. You need to change things up in order to do it, but if you’re prepared to make those changes and take action, it is absolutely possible to change the condition of your body.
Get out of your own way and start believing you can do this. Because you can. Share on X
6 of the most common diet and fitness fails women fall for
Let’s get you started on the path to progress right this second by looking at some of the commonly used tactics women mistakenly think will help them get the bodies they but which actually hold us back.
Please don’t feel bad if you’ve been doing any of these, by the way – I did all of them at one time or another!
The mixed messages the big brands competing in fitness industry currently spend millions pushing out to us are enough to confuse anyone.
1. Not eating enough
Very low calorie diets leave you with no energy so you don’t get the most out of your workouts. After a while they can put your body into a state of stress trigger it to want to cling on to fat stores for dear life!
You do need to focus changing what you eat, but starving yourself does not tend to produce good results and makes you feel awful in the process!
2. Exercising for too long
Exercising for long periods can gear the body towards preserving fuel stores, which is bad news if fat loss is what you want. Plus you’ll often be left feeling worn out and insatiably hungry.
I’ve learned that short, but intense workouts are far more effective than longer sessions plodding along in your comfort zone.
3. “Breakthrough” diets and “science” eating plans
Every new dieting fad that comes out nowadays claim to be backed by “science” – and yet the “diet gurus” touting them constantly contradict one another! Unfortunately when people are desperate to change their eating habits they are easily convinced by what appears to be a proven plan. Most are practically impossible to stick to or don’t produce results in the long term (otherwise we wouldn’t have new diets constantly coming out).
Most of us have fallen for this at some point. But I know you’re not stupid, you just need to take a step back and stop listing to the hype. I think you already understand that healthy eating is actually pretty simple, it’s mainly just about switching out processed foods and bringing in more natural, nourishing, wholesome food choices.
4. Fitness “secrets”
Similar to diet fads, over recent years I’ve seen a trend for women in particular to be continuously flitting between the latest hyped-up workouts programs, usually drawn in by promises of some “secret” new method.
The most valuable “secret” you really need to have revealed to you is that honing the body takes consistency and focused effort. That means getting a good solid plan, optimised for your goals and seeing it through without being distracted by marketing and/or the latest hotness in your social group.
5. Hoping for The Magic Pill
From ridiculous fitness gadgets to the miracle sports supplements to potentially dangerous weight loss pills, almost every week I see a new product aimed squarely at women, often exploiting their lack of belief that they can get into shape without it.
It’s time to get real – results are not achieved by wasting your money on this crap! Waiting for a magic cure has held you back for too long, start getting on with what needs to be done.
6. Only doing one type of exercise
Do any one type of exercise for long enough and eventually your body will adapt to it and progress will stop. What’s more, repeatedly performing the same movements can put you at risk of injury. Plus it gets boring!
For optimal results in shedding fat, sculpting the body and building all-round explosive fitness you need a varied exercise schedule that fires up all the muscles of the body, gets you moving in lots of different ways and constantly pushes you outside of your comfort zone.
I’ll be back with another post soon with more real-world advice on getting your body in the best possible shape, but I’ve given you plenty to get you started with here.
The above pitfalls held me back from achieving the lean, strong, athletic body I wanted for years, so I hope the advice I’ve given here will help you to avoid them.
I switched from mainly doing long steady exercise to short, high-intensity sessions and added more variety and strength training into my training mix. I stopped counting calories and started piling my plate high with healthy wholesome foods.
When I made these simple changes, my body changed. A lot. The fat came off, my energy levels soared and I became healthier, stronger and fitter.
Now I’m on a mission to help as many people as I can discover the awesome difference being in great shape can make their lives.
I’m doing this by sharing the straight-up truth about what it takes and helping people find the motivation to get it done.
If you’d like exercise with me in my workout videos, follow my training schedules or programs, and be supported in your progress, every step of the way, by me and the lovely community in my online gym come join us!
If, like most people, time has previously been a limiting factor for you, I can help with that.
One of the main features of my online gym is that it cuts the time you have to invest in your fitness by roughly 50%.
You don’t have to waste time packing your gym kit, traveling to the gym, finding a locker, waiting for and then chatting to your personal trainer or training buddy, waiting for equipment… and then doing it all in reverse at the end of your workout!
Once you’ve joined my online gym, virtually every second you allocate to your fitness is actual workout time. Which, of course, means you get optimal results in return for the time you invest.
Clever eh?
With the new weekly workout schedule system I just launched for 2016 all the planning is done for you too. So you don’t even need to think much about it.
All you do is just rock up in front of a screen, whenever it suits you, click on the workout video of the day and get on with torching fat and building explosive fitness along with me.
– Access to advice from me whenever you need it via the forums
– A personal support buddy (optional)
– Video pep talks to keep you motivated right through the year
– Fresh workout schedules every week
– Workouts optimised for fat burning and sculpting target areas
– Healthy, easy to make recipes
– Me “in your living room” with real time workout videos
– Be part of a friendly community who’ll support you in making the breakthroughs you need to achieve your goals
Or if cash is the main issue for you, I have even more good news. All this costs less than one single personal trainer session – per month!
What’s more, if you decide in the first month that it’s not for you, for any reason you can have a full refund! No hard feelings…
But you won’t be wanting that!
Seriously, ask the hundreds of people who have joined since I launched the online gym just over a year ago. You can see from all the comments on my social media accounts the members love being part of it and they are getting absolutely stunning results!
Basically, it’s a total no-brainer. At this point in time, I’ve set things up so you have nothing to lose.
Take a look at the before and after photos on my homepage and ask yourself what those people would advise you to do. Once you join you can ask them for yourself on the forums if you like!
It’d be great to see you in the online gym. Join now, here: