To change your body, first you need to change your mind.

This is not just a cliche, it’s true.

Even when you’re not consciously aware of the thought process, your actions are all ultimately controlled by what’s going on in your mind.

Every action you take has an outcome.

Everything you do, each choice you make, big or tiny, it always counts. Share on X

If your thoughts are generally self-deprecating, defeatist or negative, what sort outcomes do you think you’ll experience as a result of the choices you make in that mindset?

Stop looking for a sticking plaster that will magically transform your body without you needing to go through the process of changing the way you think.

You want this to be easier? Trust me, it’ll be a lot easier for you to change the way you think of yourself than to spend the rest of your life looking for a solution outside of you.

Just tell yourself you can do this.

Let that negative voice answer that you can’t. Not now at least. It’s not the right time. You need this or that before you can start. It’s not fair on this person. That person won’t like you anymore if you change. It’ll be easier after such-and-such event, wait till then. And on, and on.

How can I see into your head like this? Simple, we all have that kind of chatter going on.

You don’t have to listen to it. I know you can do this. I think you do too, at least in some part of your mind. Nurture that part of your mind and it will grow, ignore the negativity and it will wither.

The truth is you don't have to wait and you have everything you need. Start now. Share on X


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